Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Console game vs mobile game? soon mobile game will be bigger?

Right now pretty much in the developed countries or in the emerging market, pretty everyone will have one smart devices. I remember in some certain countries, each family will have more than 2 smart devices by person. which is a scary number to me. As the emerging market, because the smart device is much cheaper then the notebooks or the tablets, so for most of them will just just through the stages that buying notebook first, but straight away using the smart devices instead. its quite a strange but very interested fact to me.

Based on this fact theres also one another interested topics that says mobile games will generate more revenue than console titles in 2015, according to research specialist Newzoo. In its quarterly global games market update, the company estimates that revenues from smartphone and tablet titles will reach $25bn in 2014, up 42% on 2013, and $30.3bn in 2015.

So is there any game publishers will think of that combine both platforms together? when im not in the specific using notebook/PC platforms playing, i can use the smart device to play when im moving !! so it will be a pretty cool ideas if we can combine both platform together and maybe will gain better revenue through this way?

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Highest Overall Earnings, maybe i should go for it?

For those might not have any ideas that what is the numbers all about.
IDNameTotal (Overall)Highest Paying GameTotal (Game)% of Total
1.China HaoChen, Zhihao$1,103,121.92|Dota 2$1,098,438.6899.58%
2.China BananaJiao, Wang$1,100,989.37|Dota 2$1,093,116.8699.28%
3.China SanShengWang, Zhaohui$1,099,178.88|Dota 2$1,090,343.3899.20%

Lets say if my salary is 60,000 USD per year, include a bit bonus 20,000USD. if i dont have any extra cost and can save all the money instead, i will then have 80,000 USD per year.

 I will need 13 years to catch up !!!!!

So how come these game publisher want to invest so much money to make the esports so big and everyone want to join the business? lets check the esports revenue by games.

each of the revenue is all counting by revenue is by millions, but what im impressed is Crossfire revenue is way much bigger then crossfire?  but why there isnt any big game titles like the TI series?

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Any idea how big is gaming industry?


The gaming industry is by far growing and has yet to break new records. Here's an overview of what is the top 10 largest prize pools in a gaming tournament and more information on the worlds greatest gaming tournament for 2014.

1.The International 2014$10,931,103.00Dota 2 14 Teams70 Players
2.The International 2013$2,874,407.00Dota 2 8 Teams40 Players
3.LoL Season 3 World Championship$2,050,000.00League of Legends 14 Teams70 Players
4.LoL Season 2 World Championship$1,970,000.00League of Legends 12 Teams60 Players
5.The International 2011$1,600,000.00Dota 2 8 Teams42 Players
6.The International 2012$1,600,000.00Dota 2 8 Teams40 Players
7.Call of Duty Championship 2013$1,000,000.00Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 8 Teams32 Players
8.Call of Duty Championship 2014$1,000,000.00Call of Duty: Ghosts 8 Teams32 Players
9.Call of Duty XP$1,000,000.00Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 8 Teams28 Players
10.CPL World Tour Finals 2005$510,000.00Painkiller  32 Players

for some people in such young age like 22-25, has already retired due to they already earn more than any others that working so hard as a normal working man..... such a crazy amount.... so in the following days, when your kids asking if they can be as a pro gamer as their career, perhaps you can consider it.....

Highest Overall Earnings

 IDNameTotal (Overall)Highest Paying GameTotal (Game)% of Total
1.China HaoChen, Zhihao$1,103,121.92|Dota 2$1,098,438.6899.58%
2.China BananaJiao, Wang$1,100,989.37|Dota 2$1,093,116.8699.28%
3.China SanShengWang, Zhaohui$1,099,178.88|Dota 2$1,090,343.3899.20%
4.China xiao8Zhang, Ning$1,089,438.88|Dota 2$1,082,312.7099.35%
5.China MuZhang, Pan$1,087,715.66|Dota 2$1,083,343.3899.60%
6.Ukraine DendiDanil Ishutin$573,147.25|Dota 2$570,373.0999.52%
7.Ukraine XBOCTOleksandr Dashkevych$570,843.16|Dota 2$570,373.0999.92%
8.Estonia PuppeyClement Ivanov$564,360.15|Dota 2$563,290.0899.81%
9.Korea, Republic of JaedongLee, Jae Dong$554,104.05|StarCraft: Brood War$375,712.9567.81%
10.Korea, Republic of FlashLee, Young Ho$484,822.13|StarCraft: Brood War$410,243.1784.62%

The World's Greatest Gaming Tournaments TI4
Valve and the Dota 2 community have outdone themselves. The International 2014 (TI4)’s prize pool has hit its final stretch goal of $10 million, unlocking all 22 stretch goals with an additional surprise reward 
for an Unusual Techies Taunt. That’s around three a half times the prize pool of $2.8 million from the previous International’s and more than six times of the base prize pool of $1.6 million.

TI4’s prize pool is the first eight-digit prize pool in both the history of The International and in eSports tournaments worldwide. It is also the first time the Compendium has broken its final stretch goal twice.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

The 5 Best Chilli Crab in Singapore
In Singapore, there are lots pretty much a lot of places selling crab, but If you are looking for the most enjoyable and typical dish to have for your trip to Singapore, it is hard to look past Chilli Crab. Basically, Chilli Crab is a seafood dish in which stir-fried crab is coated with sweet, savoury and spicy tomato based sauce. This dish is often accompanied by steam or deep fried buns (also known as mantous). It is such a great companion as the chilli gravy and the bun complement each other perfectly.
Chilli Crab is listed at number 35 on World’s 50 most delicious foods, complied by CNN Go in 2011. This Singaporean iconic seafood dish is a must try dish to complete the culinary exploring journey of any travelers. Here are the five best seafood restaurants in Singapore for you to have the best chilli crab.

Red House Seafood restaurant information:
web stie:
Tel+65 6336 6080
Fax+65 6336 6801

Tel+65 6735 7666
Fax+65 6735 2298