Thursday, November 6, 2014

Highest Overall Earnings, maybe i should go for it?

For those might not have any ideas that what is the numbers all about.
IDNameTotal (Overall)Highest Paying GameTotal (Game)% of Total
1.China HaoChen, Zhihao$1,103,121.92|Dota 2$1,098,438.6899.58%
2.China BananaJiao, Wang$1,100,989.37|Dota 2$1,093,116.8699.28%
3.China SanShengWang, Zhaohui$1,099,178.88|Dota 2$1,090,343.3899.20%

Lets say if my salary is 60,000 USD per year, include a bit bonus 20,000USD. if i dont have any extra cost and can save all the money instead, i will then have 80,000 USD per year.

 I will need 13 years to catch up !!!!!

So how come these game publisher want to invest so much money to make the esports so big and everyone want to join the business? lets check the esports revenue by games.

each of the revenue is all counting by revenue is by millions, but what im impressed is Crossfire revenue is way much bigger then crossfire?  but why there isnt any big game titles like the TI series?