Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Console game vs mobile game? soon mobile game will be bigger?

Right now pretty much in the developed countries or in the emerging market, pretty everyone will have one smart devices. I remember in some certain countries, each family will have more than 2 smart devices by person. which is a scary number to me. As the emerging market, because the smart device is much cheaper then the notebooks or the tablets, so for most of them will just just through the stages that buying notebook first, but straight away using the smart devices instead. its quite a strange but very interested fact to me.

Based on this fact theres also one another interested topics that says mobile games will generate more revenue than console titles in 2015, according to research specialist Newzoo. In its quarterly global games market update, the company estimates that revenues from smartphone and tablet titles will reach $25bn in 2014, up 42% on 2013, and $30.3bn in 2015.

So is there any game publishers will think of that combine both platforms together? when im not in the specific using notebook/PC platforms playing, i can use the smart device to play when im moving !! so it will be a pretty cool ideas if we can combine both platform together and maybe will gain better revenue through this way?